Biro Administrasi Kemahasiswaan dan Hubungan Alumni, Direktorat Kemahasiswaan Universitas Mercu Buana akan menyelenggarakan Temu Alumni dengan tema " Family Sinergy Mercu Buana University ". Kegiatan ini akan dilaksanakan pada Sabtu, 25 April 2009, Pkl. 16.30 - selesai bertempat di Aula serba guna Universitas Mercu Buana. Dalam kesempatan tersebut juga akan hadir sebagai pembicara yaitu ; Dr. Agus Sutiyono (Human Capital Development Expert). | |||||||||||||||
Mari saudaraku bergandengan tangan menyatukan hati dan pikiran untuk saling mengingatkan untuk dapat membangkitkan kekuatan luar biasa dalam diri anugerah yang Kuasa sebagai bekal untuk menjaga alam ini yang dapat kita digunakan untuk menarik apa saja dari alam semesta, meraih kehidupan yang bahagia, sehat, sukses penuh kedamaian...salam bahagia..agus sutiyono
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Friday, March 13, 2009
Kesuksesan dalam kehidupan 90% berawal dirumah, orang tua sebagai pilar utama dalam mengembangkan potensi anak harus mengerti serta mampu mengkonstruksi kesuksesan itu sejak awal. Dapatkan rahasia merencanakan sukses putra-putri kita dimasa depan dalam HIPNOPARENTING PROGRAM
(Managing Consultant Cakra Consulting)
Human Capital Development Expert
Materi Pelatihan
1. Memahami Struktur Kerja Otak
2. Uncouncius Programming
3. Mengenali Sumber-Sumber Masalah Pada Anak
4. Technik Afirmasi dan Visualisasi
5. Technik Menghadapi Anak Bermasalah
Daftarkan Segera
Investasi Rp. 150.000,-
Rek BCA 2101254994
Rek Mandiri 1230004309839
Tanggal 22 Maret 2009
Tempat : Gd.LPMJ Pulo Gadung Jakarta Timur
Contac Person :
Jaenal Mutakim
021 98880577-0812108995 77
http://www.cakraconsulting.blogspot .com
e-mail : ciptacakraselaras@ gmail.com
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
The Power Of Attraction-How To Let The Law Of Attraction Work For You
"But it (Law of Attraction) isnt working for me" "I've done all the visualization and affirmations and where's my stuff???" "I was picturing a positive outcome of ........and that's not what happened".
It's disheartening to do so much work and not have the results you want. It's easier to say "it doesn't work", but unfortunately that's like saying gravity doesnt work. So here are some simple steps to identifying and correcting the self-defeating, unconscious beliefs and negative programming that undermines your efforts.
1. Identify what you want. (most people can talk at length about what they don't want). If you don't know the specifics, then focus on how you want to feel in the new situation, be it improved health, prosperity, relationships. Since your thoughts, powered by the energy of emotion, are what creates your reality, its important to practice the discipline of "feeling" your way to a new, better experience. eg. you want a physical condition to improve. You would spend some time each day imagining how good it will feel to walk easily, or to play with your dog etc. And do the work as if it were happening now, that is,in the present time.
2. Notice your resistance in the form of self-defeating thoughts or statements from others. eg. "You can't do that because.........". You can remove those blocks to positive expression with clearing work such as Spiritual Response Therapy. The powerful SRT clearing process researches and clears pastlife and subconscious negative programming that interferes with wellbeing in this liftime. Retrain your conscious mind with regular affirmations and support from sources such as TUT, Unity Daily Word and/or Abraham-Hicks.
3. Practice mindfulness. Become fiercely protective of your intention to attract a better life and refuse to focus on the negative events as reported in the news, or the "reality" of some situation that is troubling you. Worrying about something is an energetic magnet which attracts more to worry about. "Do I want the problem, or do I want the answer?" (Course in Miracles) If you're focused on a stuation in your life, and complaining about it, you are not at the level of energy that will attract the solution. Practice gratitude for what you do have, and more to be grateful for, will come. Blessings from Lynn www.2BClear.net
By: Phil Washington
Most emergency survival kits you see in stores are designed for outdoor trips. While they would certainly do as well, they would nevertheless cost more than it should. Here are a few tips to make your own budget-friendly emergency home kit.
One Kit Per Person
To ensure that every person’s need is covered, it’s best to have one emergency kit per person.
For maximum safety and protection, consider basing your emergency home kit on a 72-hour period prior to receiving help. Lastly, every emergency home kit must be capable of meeting any type of disaster or emergency, whether it’s natural or man-made.
Food and Water
Medication can only go so far. To stay alive in any emergency, you’ll need sustenance. Include a sufficient amount of Aqua Blox water boxes – at least a gallon of water per person per day, but you may need more depending on climate conditions. Remember also that shelf life for Aqua Blox is five years. Bottled water, water purification tablets, and water storage bags should also be included.
As for food, carbohydrate-rich foods are your best bet because they’re effective in replenishing your energy. Canned goods are always useful as they require little to no preparation.
Clothing and Shelter
Instead of thermal blankets, you’ll be a lot dryer, warmer, and safer with 2 large-sized garbage bags per person. Wool blankets would be better while sleeping bags, albeit bulky, are the best. Include one set of working clothes and boots.
First Aid
Bandages of all types, adhesive tape, gauze pads, various kinds of antiseptics, analgesics, and antibiotic ointment are the basics of first aid. Be sure to take note of special medication needs of your loved ones such as diabetic medication or a spare pair of eyeglasses for those visually impaired.
Include flashlight, matches, camping stove with fuel or burner if possible. Forks, spoons, and various sizes and types of knives (not just for culinary use) would be handy. Swiss army knife sets, screwdrivers, and a hammer and pry bar would definitely be helpful.
Special Needs during Emergencies
Your emergency home kit will naturally differ in terms of content and size if you have an infant with you. Because their immune system is not as strong as those of adults, you need to be extra careful in choosing the right foods, medicine, and supplies to ensure their health and safety. Last but not the least, remember to have an emergency home kit ready for your pets, too!
Monday, March 2, 2009

Fenomena face book merupakan suatu gejala perkembangan teknologi yang luar biasa. Semua kalangan yang mengenal teknologi internet merasa sangat terbeantu untuk membangun komunikasi yang terputus selama bertahun-tahun. Saya bisa bertemu dengan teman-teman SMP yang sudah terpisah selama 25 tahun, teman-teman SMA lebih dari dua puluh tahun....luar biasa !! Kalau ada beberapa kasus yang menganggap FB itu negatif, saya pikir hanya tingaal kacamata yang mana yang digunakan. Jika kacamata positif yang dipakai maka media ini bukan hanya tempat untuk saling membangun komunikasi melainkan bisa menjadi media promosi, silahturahmi dan yang jug atidak kalah media ini dapat dijadikan media untuk berbagi-sharing-konsultasi dan berbagai hal positif lainnya. Saya dipertemukan dengan teman-teman yang dulu pernah bergabung di TVRI dan muncul ide baru untuk bertemu dan membangun sebuah jaringan bisnis yang dapat menyatukan berbagai keterampilan dan keilmuan menjadi lebih positif dasn bermanfaat bagi masyarakat banyak.