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Campus activist, popular term used for university students who usually stay at the campus for social activities, should also have good competence in their field of subject, own leadership skill, and possess innovation spirit. Mercu Buana University shows its full attention to those campus activists by conducting a Mind-Recharge Workshop on April 9' 2008.
The workshop was officially opened by the director for student affair Ir. Henny Gambiro, M.Si. On her greeting she highlighted that a person will achieve the success if he/she has creative and innovative way of thinking. The way of thinking should be updated and recharged continuously other wise its power will low and finally dim out. She motivated the students that the dream for success should be embedded in everyone's mind and soul because it belongs to everybody.
The workshop was followed by all program study representatives, students' society, as well as the student unit of organisations with a total of 50 participants. Their mind and soul were recharged by Agus Sutiyono the master trainer and personal development who also renown as expert of Mind Navigator. Before commencing the workshop, Mr.Agus asked the participants to release the mind from all burden, problem, envy, jealousy, and revenge. "In order to recharge our mind, we should have a healthy conscience and pure inner feeling" he said. Mr. Agus explained that by having such qualities every body can activate his character, soul, and mind.
It was noted that the "Mind Recharge Workshop" was very interesting and it consumed much attention from the participant beginning from paper presentation, group discussion, peer work, and some practical sessions. The master mind navigator revealed to the audience that inner power of our body is the source of a tremendous energy for blood circulation, heart beat, digestion system, lungs activity, and even our breath. If there is disharmony between inner power and negative desire or action, our body will show malfunction or disharmony. As the consequences, we will feel sick, anxiety, headache, backache, dizzy, lazy, inferiority, and other disease.
Positive mind and pure soul, on the other hand, can create self confident and good health. Positive mind can motivate us to achieve our dreams and hopes.
To all of activists, have a recharged mind and be successful!
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